
Nicole Müller und Daniel Schröder, Gründer und Geschäftsführer das in der Schweiz etablierten exklusiven Reisebüros,leben jeden Tag die wichtigen Werte Empathie, Professionalität, Souveränitätund Loyalität. Wir arbeiten mit vollem Einsatz & größter Leidenschaft und stellen Ihre Wünsche & Bedürfnisse in den Mittelpunkt.

Premium Travel GmbH
Mühlegasse 6a, 5070 Frick, Switzerland

+41 79 939 70 70 info@premiumtravel.global

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As the company founders and managing directors, we, Nicole Müller and Daniel Schröder,value honesty and reliability.
Our exclusive travel agency based in Switzerland, live the important values of empathy, professionalism, sovereignty and loyalty every day.
The Premium Travel GmbH is your reliable partner of Experience and Passion
for exclusive travel by your side.

Reisebüro Frick CH

Mühlegasse 6a,
5070 Frick, Switzerland


Daniel Schröder CEO & Founder ds@premiumtravel.global

Nicole Müller CEO & Founder nm@premiumtravel.global


Premium Travel has an excellent global network of yachts, private jets, high end villas and hotels. Premium Travel is working directly with owners of luxury hotels, Yachts, Villas and Private Jets and will offering you the most suitable rates for Private Jets, Yachts & Super Yachts, Villas & Hotels according to your needs..

We are available for you and will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to your call, your message by email or WhatsApp or below. Appointments on request.

We look forward to your message & inquiry